How Much Does It Cost To Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels?

Are pigeons and squirrels wreaking havoc on your solar panel system? Wondering how much it will cost to pigeon proof your panels? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got all the details you need. Pigeon and squirrel proofing solar panels not only save you money in the long run but also safeguard your investment. The overall cost of pigeon and squirrel proofing depends on several factors, such as the size of your solar panel system and the level of protection required. By investing in effective pigeon and squirrel proofing measures, you can ensure that these pesky birds and rodents don’t damage or soil your valuable solar panels.

So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty and explore the typical costs associated with keeping those pigeons and squirrels at bay with roosting spikes from a professional pest control company!

Solar panel bird control problems? Protect your investment with proper bird control measures. Find out what it takes to keep those feathered intruders and squirrels away from your solar panels and save yourself from potential repair costs down the line. 

Take action today!

Understanding the Impact of Pigeon Infestation on Solar Panels

Pigeons are attracted to solar panels due to their warm and sheltered environment, making these structures an ideal nesting spot. 

Unfortunately, their presence can lead to a range of problems:

1. Reduced Energy Efficiency

Pigeon droppings can accumulate on solar panels, forming a layer that reduces their efficiency by obstructing sunlight. This buildup leads to decreased energy production and financial losses over time.

2. Panel Damage

Pigeon activity can result in scratches, cracks, and other physical damage to solar panels. This damage not only affects energy output but also necessitates costly repairs or replacements.

3. Safety Hazards

Accumulated pigeon droppings can create slippery surfaces, posing safety risks for maintenance personnel and anyone working near the solar installation.

Effective Pigeon-Proofing Solutions

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your solar panels, implementing pigeon-proofing measures is essential. 

Here are some proven strategies:

1. Mesh Barriers

Installing mesh barriers around the panels prevents pigeons from accessing the space beneath them. Stainless steel or galvanised mesh is durable and offers long-term protection.

2. Spikes and Deterrents

Placing anti-roosting spikes or deterrents on and around the solar panels makes them inhospitable to pigeons. These humane solutions discourage landing and nesting.

3. Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are disruptive to pigeons while remaining inaudible to humans. These devices are effective in deterring pigeons without harming them.

4. Visual Scare Tactics

Incorporating visual scare tactics like reflective tape, predator decoys, or moving objects can create an environment that pigeons find unsettling, discouraging them from roosting.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels

There are several reasons pigeons can impact the total costs of bird control. Understanding these typical costs is crucial for homeowners looking to protect their solar panels from pigeon damage. Let’s explore some of the key considerations that affect the pricing of pigeon proofing.

Size and Number of Solar Panels

The size and number of solar panels in your area play a significant role in determining the total costs of pigeon proofing for bird control. The more panels you have, the more materials will be required to adequately cover them. Larger panels may require specialised equipment or additional labour for proper installation. Therefore, it’s essential to consider these reasons when estimating the cost of area pest control.

Accessibility and Location

Another factor that affects the cost of installing solar panels is the accessibility and location of your roof tiles. If your solar panels are easily accessible without any obstacles or obstructions in your garden, the installation process may be relatively straightforward and less expensive. However, if your panels are located in hard-to-reach areas or require special equipment like scaffolding or ladders for access, this can increase both labour costs and overall expenses for the job.

Different Materials and Installation Methods

When considering pigeon proofing solar panels for your home, the choice of materials and installation methods is crucial. In the area of pest control, there are various options available such as mesh screens, bird spikes, or netting systems. Each material has its own pros and cons in terms of effectiveness and durability for the job.

For example:

  • Mesh screens: These provide a physical barrier between pigeons and solar panels, offering effective bird proofing for your roof tiles. Our proofing service ensures a decent roof while allowing sunlight to pass through.
  • Pigeon proof bird spikes: These deter pigeons from landing on your solar panels by creating an uncomfortable surface. This helps prevent damage caused by pigeon faeces and reduces the total costs associated with cleaning and maintenance.
  • Bird proofing netting systems: These create an enclosed space around your solar panels, preventing pigeons from accessing them altogether. Our bird proofing service offers effective netting systems to keep birds away from your solar panels.

Each solar panel bird proofing option, including solar skirt, comes with its own price range based on material quality, brand reputation, and effectiveness against pigeons. Similarly, installation methods for solar panel bird proofing can also vary depending on the complexity of the system chosen and the expertise required.

Professional Pigeon Proofing Services: Inclusions and Costs

Professional pest control companies that specialise in pigeon proofing services offer a range of solutions to protect solar panels from these pesky birds. When considering the cost of pigeon proofing, it’s essential to understand what is typically included in these professional services and how the costs can vary based on different factors.

Initial Inspection and Assessment

One of the key inclusions in professional pigeon proofing services is an initial inspection and assessment. A trained technician will visit your property to evaluate the extent of the pigeon problem and identify vulnerable areas around your solar panels. This step is crucial as it helps determine the most effective strategies for bird deterrents or barriers.

During the inspection, the technician may look for signs of nesting, droppings, or damage caused by pigeons. They will also assess any existing structures or features that could be used as roosting spots for bird proofing. By thoroughly examining these factors, they can provide you with tailored recommendations for preventing pigeons from accessing your solar panels.

Costs Based on Deterrents or Barriers Used

The overall cost of pigeon proofing solar panels can vary depending on the type of deterrents or barriers employed by the pest control company. There are several options available, each with its own advantages and price points.

  1. Bird proofing: Netting is an effective method for bird proofing solar panels. Installing netting over the panels creates a physical barrier that prevents pigeons from landing or nesting on them.
  2. Spikes: Bird proofing solar panels by placing spikes along ledges or edges make it uncomfortable for pigeons to perch.
  3. Solar panel pigeon proofing: These electric shock tracks deliver a mild electric shock when birds land on them, effectively deterring them without harming them. This is a popular method for keeping pigeons away from solar panels. Another option is using a solar skirt, which acts as a barrier to prevent birds from nesting under the solar panels.
  4. Wire systems are an effective method of bird proofing, as they create an uneven surface that deters pigeons from landing on solar panel frames.
  5. Solar panel bird proofing: Some companies utilise visual deterrents like reflective tape or predator decoys to scare away pigeons and protect solar panels.

The costs associated with bird proofing deterrents or barriers can vary depending on the size of your solar panel array, the complexity of the installation, and the materials used. It’s advisable to get quotes from different professional pest control companies for bird proofing to compare prices and determine which option suits your budget.

Warranties or Guarantees

Another aspect that adds value to professional pigeon proofing services is the inclusion of warranties or guarantees. Reputable pest control companies often provide assurances that their solutions will effectively deter pigeons for a certain period. These warranties give you peace of mind, knowing that if any issues arise within the specified timeframe, they will address them without additional charges.

When considering different service providers, inquire about their warranty terms and conditions. Ensure you understand what is covered and for how long. This information will help you make an informed decision when choosing a professional pest control company for pigeon proofing your solar panels.

Bird Mesh Wire: an Effective Solution for Pigeon Proofing

Bird mesh wire is a popular choice for roof protection. Its durability and effectiveness make it an excellent option for keeping those pesky pigeons away from your valuable investment. Let’s dive into why bird mesh wire is such a reliable solution for your roof.

First and foremost, bird mesh wire acts as a physical barrier, creating a formidable obstacle that prevents pigeons from accessing your solar panels. The tightly woven steel mesh makes it nearly impossible for these birds to perch or nest on your panels, effectively deterring them from causing any roof damage.

When considering the cost of pigeon proofing, installation expenses are often a concern. Fortunately, bird mesh wire offers reasonable installation costs compared to other options available in the market. This makes it an attractive choice for homeowners who want to protect their solar panels without breaking the bank.

But why exactly should you invest in pigeon proofing? Well, pigeons can cause considerable damage to your solar panels if left unchecked. Their droppings not only create an unsightly mess but also contain corrosive substances that can degrade the performance of your panels over time. By installing bird mesh wire, you eliminate the risk of pigeon faeces accumulating on your solar array.

Bird control is essential not only for maintaining the aesthetics of your property but also for ensuring optimal energy production. Pigeons and other birds can build nests under or around solar panels, leading to potential wiring issues and reduced efficiency. By implementing effective pigeon proofing measures like bird mesh wire, you safeguard against these problems and maximise energy output.

Now let’s explore some other reasons why bird mesh wire stands out as an effective way to keep pigeons off the roof.

  • Durability: Made from sturdy materials like stainless steel or galvanised steel, bird mesh wire is built to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist attempts by pests, such as pigeons, to penetrate it. This makes it an effective solution for solar panel pigeon proofing.
  • Versatility: Bird mesh wire can be customised to fit any solar panel configuration, ensuring a snug and secure fit on the roof.
  • Low-maintenance: Once installed, bird mesh wire for the roof requires minimal upkeep, saving you time and effort in the long run.
  • Humane solution: Unlike some deterrents like fake owls or ultrasonic devices that may harm birds or other wildlife, bird mesh wire provides a humane approach to pigeon proofing.

Understanding the Damage Pigeons Can Cause to Solar Panels

Pigeons may seem harmless, but they can wreak havoc on your roof. These birds are known for causing structural damage to roofs and other issues that can significantly impact the efficiency of your solar panel system. Let’s take a closer look at the damage pigeons can cause to your roof and why it’s crucial to address these problems promptly.

Pigeon Nesting

One of the primary ways pigeons can damage solar panels is through nesting on the roof. These birds often seek shelter under or around the panels, building their nests on the roof in the process. While this might not sound too problematic at first, pigeon nests on the roof can lead to serious complications. The accumulation of twigs, feathers, and other debris from their nests can block airflow around the panels on the roof, potentially causing them to overheat. Nests on the roof may interfere with the proper functioning of panel components such as inverters or connectors.

Droppings Accumulation

Another issue caused by pigeons is their droppings on the roof. When left unaddressed over time, accumulated droppings on the roof can reduce its efficiency. This happens because bird droppings contain corrosive elements that gradually eat away at the protective coating on the surface of the roof. As a result, less sunlight is absorbed and converted into electricity.

To give you an idea of how much harm pigeon droppings can cause if neglected, consider these statistics on the damage they can do to your roof.

  • A layer of bird droppings on the roof, just 1/16th inch thick, reduces panel efficiency by up to 20%.
  • If left untreated for an extended period, droppings buildup on the roof could lead to irreversible damage requiring expensive roof repairs or even complete panel replacement.

Pecking at Wiring

Pigeons can cause damage to various objects, including roofs, by pecking at them. This behaviour also extends to solar panels, where they may peck at the wiring. Such pecking can compromise the insulation around the wires, increasing the risk of electrical shorts or fires. Additionally, damaged wiring can disrupt the flow of electricity from the panels to your home’s electrical system.

Considering these potential issues with the roof, addressing pigeon-related damage to the roof promptly is crucial to ensure optimal solar panel performance and avoid costly roof repairs. 

Here are some steps you can take to address roof damage caused by pigeons:

  1. Install Pigeon Deterrents on the roof: Use bird spikes, nets, or wires specifically designed for solar panels to prevent pigeons from nesting or perching on the roof.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Schedule regular cleaning sessions to remove droppings and debris from your solar panels.
  3. Inspections: Conduct routine inspections to identify any signs of pecking damage or other issues caused by pigeons.
  4. Professional Assistance: If you’re unsure about dealing with pigeon-related problems yourself, consider hiring professionals who specialise in bird control and solar panel maintenance.

By understanding the potential harm pigeons can cause to your solar panels and taking proactive measures to address it, you can ensure that your investment in clean energy continues to generate maximum returns for years to come.

Don’t let these seemingly harmless birds compromise the efficiency and longevity of your solar panel system—take action today!

Maintenance Considerations for Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain optimal performance after pigeon-proofing measures are implemented. Pigeons can leave behind droppings, feathers, and nesting materials that can accumulate on solar panels over time. This debris not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the panels but also hampers their efficiency by blocking sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly clean the panels to ensure maximum energy generation.

Periodic inspections help identify any potential issues early on before they escalate into costly problems. During these inspections, it is important to check for signs of damage caused by pigeons or other birds attempting to access the solar panel system. Look out for scratches, peck marks, or any loose components that may compromise the effectiveness of pigeon-proofing measures. By catching these issues early on, you can address them promptly and prevent further damage.

Proper maintenance ensures long-lasting protection against pigeons. In addition to regular cleaning and inspections, there are a few key maintenance tasks that should be performed to keep your solar panels pigeon-proofed effectively:

  1. Trim nearby trees and branches: Pigeons often use trees as launching points to access solar panels. Trimming back branches will make it more difficult for them to reach the panels.
  2. Install deterrents: Consider installing additional deterrents such as bird spikes or netting around your solar panels. These physical barriers make it challenging for pigeons to land or nest on your panels.
  3. Seal entry points: Inspect your roof and seal any gaps or openings where pigeons could potentially gain access to your attic or roof space near the solar panel installation area.
  4. Monitor activity: Keep an eye out for any signs of bird activity around your solar panel system. If you notice an increase in pigeon presence or nesting attempts, take immediate action to deter them before they cause damage.

By following these maintenance considerations, you can ensure that your solar panels remain pigeon-proofed and continue to generate clean energy efficiently. Regular cleaning, periodic inspections, and proactive measures will help protect your investment in solar power while keeping pesky pigeons at bay.

Remember, maintaining a pigeon-proof solar panel system is an ongoing process. Stay vigilant and address any issues promptly to enjoy the benefits of a bird-free and high-performing solar energy system.

Addressing Bird Nesting Under Solar Panels: Quality of Service and Workmanship

Professional installation is essential. It ensures that the process is carried out with precision, guaranteeing a secure attachment of deterrents and proper sealing to prevent bird nesting.

One of the key aspects of quality workmanship during the pigeon proofing process is maintaining the integrity of solar panels. Improper installation or handling can lead to damage, compromising their efficiency and lifespan. Reputable installers understand this and take necessary precautions to avoid any harm while implementing preventive measures against bird nesting.

When choosing a service provider for pigeon proofing your solar array, it is crucial to consider their reputation. Opting for reputable companies not only guarantees quality work but also helps in avoiding future issues related to bird nesting. These providers have extensive experience dealing with various types of roofs, ensuring that the chosen methods are suitable for your specific setup.

There are several techniques used by professionals to prevent bird nesting under solar panels. One commonly employed method is installing a solar skirt around the perimeter of the panel array. This creates a physical barrier, preventing birds from accessing the space beneath the panels. Roosting spikes can be installed on top of roof tiles or along exposed edges, discouraging birds from landing or perching near the panels.

Another effective approach involves using netting specifically designed for solar panel protection. The netting is strategically placed over the panels, forming a barrier that prevents birds from building nests underneath while still allowing sunlight to reach the photovoltaic cells unobstructed.

During pigeon proofing, attention should be given not only to deterring birds but also ensuring that wiring and other components remain intact. Professionals take care to secure wires properly so they are not damaged or disrupted by nesting materials or pecking birds.

Choosing an experienced service provider also has its benefits. Reputable installers often provide warranties on their workmanship, giving you peace of mind knowing that any issues arising from bird nesting will be addressed promptly and efficiently.

Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision

Now that you have a better understanding of the costs and benefits associated with pigeon proofing solar panels, you can make a more informed decision. By considering factors such as the type of professional services available, the effectiveness of bird mesh wire, and the potential damage pigeons can cause to your solar panels, you can take proactive steps to protect your investment.

It’s important to remember that while there may be initial costs involved in pigeon proofing, the long-term benefits far outweigh them. By preventing bird nesting under your solar panels and minimising potential damage, you can ensure their optimal performance and longevity.

To get started with pigeon proofing your solar panels, reach out to reputable professionals who specialise in this service. They will assess your specific needs and provide tailored solutions based on their expertise. Don’t hesitate to ask for examples or case studies that demonstrate their track record of success.

Consider seeking recommendations from others who have already had their solar panels pigeon-proofed. Social proofs and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the quality of service and workmanship offered by different providers.

Remember that regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of your pigeon proofing measures. Stay proactive by scheduling routine inspections and cleaning sessions to keep any potential bird-related issues at bay.

In conclusion, investing in pigeon proofing for your solar panels is a wise choice that ensures both financial savings and peace of mind. Protecting your investment from bird damage not only extends the lifespan of your solar panels but also maximises their energy generation potential.

So don’t delay! Take action today and secure the future efficiency of your solar panel system by implementing effective pigeon proofing measures.


Pigeon proofing measures are designed to prevent birds from nesting under or damaging your solar panels without impacting their performance. When installed correctly, they allow for optimal sunlight exposure and energy generation.

The cost of professional pigeon proofing services can vary depending on factors such as the size of your solar panel system and the extent of bird-related issues. It is best to contact reputable providers for a personalised quote based on your specific requirements.

While it may be tempting to attempt a DIY installation, it is recommended to hire professionals for installing bird mesh wire. They have the necessary expertise and equipment to ensure proper installation, maximising its effectiveness in keeping birds away.

Yes, pigeons can cause damage to solar panels by nesting underneath them or leaving droppings that corrode the surface over time. Pigeon proofing measures help mitigate these risks and protect your investment.

Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring the continued effectiveness of your pigeon-proofing measures. It is advisable to schedule inspections and cleaning sessions at least once or twice a year, depending on your location and bird activity levels.